Summer Adventures
Peosta Branch 8342 NICC Drive, PeostaStop by every week for snacks, crafts, games and more for kids in 1st - 5th grade. Please RSVP HERE
Summer Adventures
Farley BranchStop by every week for snacks, crafts, games and more for kids in 1st - 5th grade. Please RSVP HERE
Summer Adventures
Holy Cross Branch 895 Main Street, Holy CrossStop by every week for snacks, crafts, games and more for kids in 1st - 5th grade. Please RSVP HERE
Zen and the Art of Doodling
Farley BranchUnwind and find your inner calm with Zen and the Art of Doodling, where we combine the soothing practice of meditation with the creativity of doodling. Join us to learn simple relaxation techniques and explore the art of mindfulness through expressive drawing.
No Pressure Book Club
Farley BranchWelcome to the No Pressure Book Club, a friendly space to chat about whatever books have captured your imagination lately. Join fellow book lovers for engaging conversations and insightful recommendations.