5 events found.
Baby & Toddler Storytime
Peosta Branch 8342 NICC Drive, PeostaSongs, stories and socializing for children 0-2 and their big siblings and caregivers.
Tai Chi
Asbury Branch 5290 Grand Meadow Drive, AsburyTai Chi consists of slow, fluid, gentle movements. It can be practiced almost anywhere and is accessible for individuals at any fitness level. This class is taught by a certified…
Kids Craft Club: Puffy Paint Window Clings
Peosta Branch 8342 NICC Drive, PeostaJoin Miss Kayla for a monthly craft. April’s craft is puffy paint window clings.
Virtual Kids Craft Club – April
VirtualKindergarten – 5th Grade. Join Miss Kayla for a craft with virtual instruction! Make sure to register by 3/22 so you can pick up your pre-filled craft kit. April’s craft…